Coke AR Campaign with Augray

Augmented Reality is all about connecting with the people on a personal level and awakening their emotions. It is also about creating more interactive campaigns for the audience. Many companies adopted it, with the aim to increase customer engagement for their brand, building trust and loyalty with their Target Group.

Hence, we see more and more brands reaching out to augmented reality companies with the purpose of creating an engaging experiential campaign. Coca-Cola spotted the opportunity much earlier and came to Augray in 2014.

Coca-Cola and their agency Big Fish, approached Augray and we launched their first augmented reality event in India, called “Share More Happiness.” The six days stunning marketing stunt was set up at Forum Mall in Chennai (India) from 24 -29 Dec 2014.

Coca Cola AR Campaign Results - Augray

Organizers wanted to surprise the unsuspecting holiday shoppers by offering them an unbelievable interactive AR experience. Augray made it possible with our Augmented Reality app. The interested audience could take a pic with our app, and they were able to see themselves as a virtual Santa on the giant digital screen, dancing and entertaining the crowd, thus sparking an instant emotional connection. Over 1000 photos were taken at the campaign. It took Augray about 14 days of planning to bring the AR experience to life. We used Augmented Reality to deliver a vital consumer experience and business solution.

We helped Coca-Cola to bond with their audience in the real world for an extended period, in an “augmented” environment.

The event helped Coca-Cola to reach out to more than 10,000 shoppers, selling over 2,100 Coca-Cola’s in one of the locations. It also helped to create more than 2.250 Augray interactions.

Watch Campaign Video

The interactive and fun holiday Augmented Reality Campaign was the largest of the event in India and second largest, globally. Coca-Cola was able to bring it to execution with the help of our Augmented Reality App.

AugRay works to make the customer experience more interactive, rich and engaging so that it can add value to the service, creating brand awareness and customer loyalty. If your company is planning to incorporate Augmented Reality into their day to day or promotional and marketing activities to enhance customer experience, then contact AugRay today to get the most suitable AR solution for your brand.

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  • 100% Business Growth
  • Increase customer engagement with interactive visual experience

Level up your Business with Augmented Reality

  • 100% Business Growth
  • Increase customer engagement with interactive visual experience.